Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Balancing Act

So many of us are out of balance – what can we do? Is it possible to balance ALL of our responsibilities? I am so out of balance right now. Not enough sleep, way too much to eat, not enough ‘me’ time, and surely not enough ‘God’ time. I’ve got a 7 year old that seems to think staying home is a crime, because he wants to be on the move constantly. I’ve got a pre-schooler that has a selective hearing disorder. I have a two yr old that has just discovered her screaming voice-yeehaw. I am still trying to decide whether to go to work after Blake goes back to school or continue to stay home with the babies. I would really like to be able to move out of this house with my stepfather and mother, but in all actuality, I don’t like being alone. Some of us are working full time, pregnant, dealing with ex’s, divorces, boyfriends….There are so many issues, worries, obligations and responsibilities pulling on us right now, we must remember a time to prune! I must, must, must prune away the responsibilities and obligations that are fruitless (so to speak). The point is this, we must balance our lives. None of the things I’ve mentioned can be allowed to overcome or overwhelm us. When things are out of whack or out of balance, that creates frustration, exhaustion and many other ‘gaps’ for the enemy. When we are tired or hungry, lonely, harboring hurt feelings, all of these instances create vulnerability and allow the enemy to brutally attack us. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. John 15:2
If a branch is not bearing fruit – it is taken away. I always have a very hard time with this. I feel like I need to be everywhere I can, doing everything I can to glorify God. It isn’t necessarily working out that way. I thought that even if I wasn’t gaining anything, that it was my responsibility to ‘give’. The thing is, the vine was fruitless. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. John 15:11 “…so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” Not ‘sort of’ or ‘kind of’ or ‘somewhat’ – but FULL! We are all just roaming around aimlessly, bogged down by all these wayward, crazy branches. The other branches are trying to produce fruit, but desperately need pruned back so that they can grow healthier and fuller! Limit yourselves sisters! As single moms, we are all so used to doing everything ourselves. We fix everything and nurture everything. But the fact remains that we are human and can only do so much – even with God’s help. Quit trying to be everything to everyone! Instead, balance, prune and be FULL of His joy!

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